# Scopes
Authorization to access APIs is called scope. Before using any APIs of any components, the scopes are required and should specify to the client. In case if you are missing any scopes which lead to unavailability of any APIs, please email to weomni-integration@ascendcorp.com for extra scopes.
# Consent BFF Scopes
For the Consent BFF client should be able to see, accept, witdraw consent or purposes. And there are two scopes to grant
- consent.r
- consent.w
# Campaign Scopes
# Campaign management
Create campaign API and Update campaign API are under this scope : camp.camp.w
List and Filtering campaign API is under this scope : camp.camp.r
Delete campaign API is under this scope : camp.camp.d
# Search
Search API is under this scope : camp.search
# Redeem
Redeem API and Void redeem API is under this scope : camp.redeem.w
List and Filtering redeem API is under this scope : redeem.redeem.r
# Recommendation
- End User
- camp.search
- camp.redeem.w
- redeem.redeem.r
- Campaign Admin User
- camp.camp.w
- camp.camp.r
- camp.camp.d
- camp.search
- camp.redeem.w
- redeem.redeem.r