# Consent BFF APIs

Method: GET /bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projId}/to-accept
Description: List all consents of the application which need acceptance from a data subject

Client Scope: consent.r
Authority: -

Request Header:

Param Description Required Example
Authorization The OAuth2 authentication with the O2O System Y Bearer {O2O Access Token}
Content-Type The MIME type of this content Y application/json


Key Description Required Example
app The application which requires consent from a data subject Y app=TSM
dataSubject The identifier which represents user in the application Y dataSubject=a0000012345

Example Request:

curl -X GET \
  'https://alpha-platform.weomni-test.com/bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projectId}/to-accept?app=TSM&dataSubject=a0000012345' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {O2O Access Token}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache'

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
        "id": "5e953258e4a2810001048c67",
        "descriptionEn": "test2",
        "application": "TSM",
        "purposes": [
        "lifespan": 10,
        "name": "consent002",
        "privacyNoticeRef": "5e8ec58aaf57d400014da146",
        "revision": 0,
        "status": "PUBLISHED",
        "ref1": "doc1",
        "ref2": "doc2",
        "ref3": "doc3"

# Get Privacy Notice Details

Method: GET /bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projId}/privacy-notice/{id} Description: get privacy notice details

Client Scope: consent.r Authority: -

Request Header:

Param Description Required Example
Authorization The OAuth2 authentication with the O2O System Y Bearer {O2O Access Token}
Content-Type The MIME type of this content Y application/json


Key Description Required Example
id The id of privacy notice Y 5ea69d3b608e270001c1f778

Example Request:

curl -X GET \
  https://platform.weomni-test.com/bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projectId}/privacy-notice/{id} \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {O2O Access Token}' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache'

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "id": "5ea69d3b608e270001c1f778",
    "name": "My Company",
    "descriptionEn": "hello",
    "descriptionTh": "สวัสดี",
    "status": "PUBLISHED",
    "revision": 1

Method: POST /bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projId}/consent-acceptance
Description: Accept the consent based on application and data subject

Client Scope: consent.w, consent.r
Authority: -

Request Header:

Param Description Required Example
Authorization The OAuth2 authentication with the O2O System Y Bearer {O2O Access Token}
Content-Type The MIME type of this content Y application/json


Key Description Required Example
app The application which requires consent from a data subject Y TSM
dataSubject The identifier which represents user in the application Y a0000012345
consentId Id of consent Y
purposes List of accepting purpose codes under the consent N ["SMS","EMAIL"]
userAgent The computer program representing a person Y Mozilla/5.0
country Country Y Thailand
localIp Local IP Y
osVersion Version of device's operation system Y iOS 13.4.1
model Model of device Y iPhone SE
deviceFingerprintId Fingerprint ID of device Y C7JS888PGFYR
note Additional information N

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  'https://alpha-platform.weomni-test.com/bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projectId}/consent-acceptance \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {O2O Access Token}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache'
	"osVersion":"iOS 13.4.1",
	"model":"iPhone SE",
	"note":"sms consent"

Example Response:

Content-Type: application/json
    "acceptanceDate": "2020-04-21T04:07:04.31Z",
    "expiredDate": "2021-04-21T04:07:04.31Z",
	"osVersion":"iOS 13.4.1",
	"model":"iPhone SE",
	"note":"sms consent",

# Purpose Options

Method: GET /bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projId}/purpose-options
Description: Look up purpose options for the application and be able to display on frontend

Client Scope: consent.r Authority: -

Request Header:

Param Description Required Example
Authorization The OAuth2 authentication with the O2O System Y Bearer {O2O Access Token}
Content-Type The MIME type of this content Y application/json


Key Description Required Example
app The application which requires consent from a data subject Y TSM
dataSubject The identifier which represents user in the application Y a0000012345

Example Request:

curl -X GET \
  'https://platform.weomni-test.com/bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projectId}}/purpose-options?app=EBM&dataSubject=a0000012345' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {O2O Access Token}' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: cb126505-2d0a-4329-bd63-3670e9c13831' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache'

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
        "code": "SMS",
        "accepted": true,
        "nameEn": "Send SMS Notification",
        "nameTh": "SMS แจ้งเตือน",
        "consentId": "5e9843487f4e24000126ee3e"
        "code": "EMAIL",
        "accepted": true,
        "nameEn": "Send Email Notification",
        "nameTh": "ส่งอีเมล",
        "consentId": "5e9843487f4e24000126ee3e"
        "code": "FACE_RECOG",
        "accepted": true,
        "nameEn": "",
        "nameTh": "",
        "consentId": "5e9843487f4e24000126ee3e"

# Accept Purpose

Method: POST /bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projId}/purpose-acceptance
Description: Accept the purpose based on application and data subject

Client Scope: consent.w, consent.r Authority: -

Request Header:

Param Description Required Example
Authorization The OAuth2 authentication with the O2O System Y Bearer {O2O Access Token}
Content-Type The MIME type of this content Y application/json


Key Description Required Example
app The application which requires consent from a data subject Y TSM
dataSubject The identifier which represents user in the application Y a0000012345
purposeCode The code of purpose to accept (be able to look up from get purpose option API) Y SMS

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  https://platform.weomni-test.com/bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projectId}/purpose-acceptance \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {O2O Access Token}'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
	"app": "EBM",
	"dataSubject": "a0000012345",
	"purposeCode": "FACE_RECOG"

Example Response:

Content-Type: application/json
    "id": "5e953258e4a2810001048c67",
    "dataSubject": "a0000012345",
    "consentApplication": "EBM",
    "purposeCode": "FACE_RECOG",
    "status": "ACCEPTED",
    "expiredDate": "2020-11-03T06:08:08.585Z",
    "acceptanceDate": "2020-04-17T06:08:08.585Z",
    "withdrawalDate": null

# Withdraw Purpose

Method: POST /bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projId}/purpose-withdrawal
Description: Withdraw the purpose based on application and data subject

Client Scope: consent.w, consent.r Authority: -

Request Header:

Param Description Required Example
Authorization The OAuth2 authentication with the O2O System Y Bearer {O2O Access Token}
Content-Type The MIME type of this content Y application/json


Key Description Required Example
app The application which requires consent from a data subject Y TSM
dataSubject The identifier which represents user in the application Y a0000012345
purposeCode The code of purpose to accept (be able to look up from get purpose option API) Y SMS

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
  https://platform.weomni-test.com/bifrost/api/consent/projects/{projectId}/purpose-withdrawal \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {O2O Access Token}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
	"app": "EBM",
	"dataSubject": "a0000012345",
	"purposeCode": "FACE_RECOG"

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "id": "5e953258e4a2810001048c67",
    "dataSubject": "a0000012345",
    "consentApplication": "EBM",
    "purposeCode": "FACE_RECOG",
    "status": "WITHDRAWN",
    "expiredDate": "2020-11-03T06:08:08.585Z",
    "acceptanceDate": "2020-04-17T06:08:08.585Z",
    "withdrawalDate": "2020-04-18T12:19:57.412Z"
Last Updated: 12/3/2020, 4:53:48 AM